Jellyfeet™ Goes to Daycare
by Megan Cavanaugh
Every good parent tries his or her best to keep the children safe, comfortable, healthy and happy. It is the utmost goal to do what is best for the child. Just like many good parents who work hard, sometimes they need a childcare professional to help during the work week. Daycare centers do their best to care for the children as the parents would. With that, comes cleanliness. With cleanliness, Jellyfeet™ can help.
Like parents protect their children from danger, Jellyfeet protects your feet from danger. But, Jellyfeet™ can also help protect your children’s health.
Dirt, germs and bacteria, oh my!
For example, there are many children coming and going from day care centers. The workers do their best to keep the center clean for the children. Throughout the Twin Cities area, there are hundreds of childcare centers, each with different, but good, standards. Where some wear shoes inside and don’t worry about tracking dirt or bringing other bacteria in, others do. Most child care providers clean their floors at least once a day, some upwards of five or six times a day. A lot of centers with wider age ranges have different standards for each room. For example, New Horizon Academy does not allow the workers to wear shoes in the infant rooms. This is good because infants crawl and often put their hands in their mouths.
Walking barefoot, or even with socks, on floors where infants are isn’t always the best either. Bacteria and germs live on the foot. This is where Jellyfeet™ can help. If the workers wear Jellyfeet™ in the center, it will remove most of the risk of spreading dirt, germs and bacteria.
As of now, there is no 100% guaranteed way to remove transfer of dirt, germs and bacteria, and there probably never will be. In fact, some dirt, germs and bacteria is good for a child’s immune system to develop and become stronger. Jellyfeet™ gives you the opportunity to cut down on the amount of dirt, germs and bacteria that stick to the floors where your infant or toddler crawls.
Parents hate to see their children become sick and sad. Protect your floors by wearing Jellyfeet™ inside today!
For more information or to purchase a pair of your very own, visit our store at www.jellyfeet.com and enter the promo code covermyfeet to save $5 on your Jellyfeet™ purchase.
You owe it to your child’s immune system.
Spread the word and ask your child’s day care provider to check out Jellyfeet™ today.