On June 13th, the CEO and Founder of Jellyfeet, Ron Wright, will be representing Jellyfeet on Dr. Richmond’s talk show. The piece will air at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on channel WDAO AM 1210. Tune in at http://www.wdaoradio.com/.
Dr. Richmond is a weekly correspondent of the radio show to talk about all things related to foot health care. Ron met Dr. Richmond two years ago and was asked to appear on her segment of the show once before. He will now continue to be a reoccurring guest.
Tanisha Richmond is a doctor of Podiatric Medicine. She is very passionate about protecting feet and provides help to people of all backgrounds. Her clientele includes affluent individuals as well as underrepresented and socially disadvantaged people.
There are two locations where Dr. Richmond works: Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio.
Dr. Richmond has been endorsing Jellyfeet and currently provides them to her patients and sells them in her facilities. She has many ideas on how to help everyone with their foot issues. Some of her ideas include incorporating Jellyfeet with prevention and treatment methods.
One of Dr. Richmond’s ideas is to offer Jellyfeet as a standard issue piece of equipment for inmates of prisons and correctional facilities. Convicts have been known to come out of prison with worse foot issues than they had going in.
Since rehabilitation, surgeries, and treatments used on inmates with foot issues are funded by the taxpayers’ dollars, using Jellyfeet could not only prevent the prisoners from contracting diseases, but it could reduce the costs that the citizens have to pay for treatments.
Dr. Richmond and Ron Wright will examine this issue in greater depth on the air.
“We are excited about this opportunity to work with Dr. Richmond,” Wright said.